Visit Us for Fresh Produce and Family Fun in Kelowna
The Don-O-Ray petting zoo is now open for the 2022 season, so come and join us at the farm. The Farm Adventure hours are: open 10 am to 5 pm Fri, Sat, Sun, and Monday until kids get out of school for the summer break at the end of June, then we switch to 7 days a week during the summer.
We have baby animals to show you! Come and experience wonderful close contact with our farm animals. Explore our hedge maze, and get a free airbrush tattoo!
Season’s Passes Make Sense!
A season’s pass is valid for unlimited entries between May 31st – Sep 30th, 2022. Join us as often as you like for the entire season! (Note that season passes are individual passes, are non shareable and non transferable. This does not include our popular Halloween event that runs during the month of October).
Buy Fresh From Our Farm Store
Our farm store will be open mid-June – as soon as the crops are in. We look forward to seeing you 9 am to 7 pm, 7 days a week!
We take great pride in growing our own high quality fresh vegetables and pick them fresh daily for the best nutrition.
We also have developed our own homemade product line called Nature’s Kitchen. Grab something for a picnic, lunch on the beach, or an easy weekend dinner of butter chicken sauce, samosas, pies, jams and other preserves for sale. You can also stock up your pantry for the summer.
So, eat healthy and local and pay us a visit, you’ll be glad you did! The store is packed with so many local foods, you’ll be amazed.
Our fresh food market carries:
- Tomatoes
- Carrots
- Walla Walla Onions
- Spinach, Lettuce & Kale
- Cucumbers
- Fruit & Berries
- Fresh Herbs
- Ice Cream
- Fresh Pressed Juice
- Fresh Eggs
- Peaches & Cream Corn

Fresh Produce Is the Way to Go
For more information on our produce market, see our FARM page.